January 11, 2009 00:20
My big old 5-year-old cat
Click the image for full 1600x1200

CC Shaved
January 11, 2009 00:24
Okay, this may look like animal abuse, but there is a story behind this. CC had a near death experience with a bladder blockage and he had to spend 4 days at the vet getting his system flushed. He was refusing to drink or eat, so the vet had to run an IV. To get the IV in, the little guy's arm had to be shaved.
Click the image for full 800x600

January 11, 2009 00:36
This picture was taken the first few days after we got CC. The same kitty from the above "shaved" pic, he was found orphaned in a parking lot. So my parents took him in.
Tiny orange kitten in a jackolantern
Click the image for full 572x382
Me with Namasu
January 11, 2009 00:36
Me and Namasu
Click the image for full 1600x1200